Cancellation Notice of the 2021 Mt. SAC Relays High School Division
The Mt. SAC Relays regrets to announce the cancellation of the 2021 High School Division, scheduled for May 15th, 2021.
With this division scheduled only four weeks away, a final decision was needed. Without a guaranteed assurance to host the event on this date, our one and only option was cancellation.
We are excited to see the County of Los Angeles opening up and COVID-19 restrictions decreasing each day. However, certain restrictions placed on institutes of higher education have not decreased or been removed. The situation in Los Angeles County is improving, but at this critical point in time, we are unable to gain approval.
Like you, we expect everything to return to normal beginning in the Fall of 2021.
In the meantime, we invite you to visit runmtsac.com. In the next few months, the content from our old website will migrate over to this exciting new site. Please make sure to subscribe to receive the latest news about all things ‘Mt. SAC’.
On behalf of the entire Mt. SAC Athletic Special Events Family, I wish you the best of luck for the remainder of this very unusual season.
Doug Todd
Mt. SAC Athletic Special Events Director