Mt. SAC Relays High School Division – Foreign Athletes

High School Foreign Athlete(s) and Coaches:

With the establishment of our new Mt. SAC Relays schedule, there are now less opportunities (fewer heats and fewer sections) for high school athletes to compete; because of this, we are forced to place strict limitations on the participation of foreign high school athletes.

Foreign athletes may still enter the meet; however, local athletes will be given priority acceptance when the foreign athlete and the local athlete have similar entry marks. With the incredible talent pool in Southern California, coupled with the hundreds of entries we receive for each event, there is very little chance that an average to above average foreign athlete will be accepted into the high school portion of the meet. Realistically, a foreign high school athlete would need to be equivalent in performance to a California High School State Finalist to earn a spot into our meet.

If you feel you have an athlete of that caliber who has achieved a tremendous mark in this calendar year that can be verified, we ask you to first e-mail high school division coordinator, Mark Gardner ( and request approval to enter (see entry process below).

No foreign athlete should enter the Mt. SAC Relays without prior approval from the high school division coordinator, Mark Gardner. Entering our meet without prior approval could be a costly mistake. Meet entry is based solely on verified marks and times. Distance traveled, expenses incurred while traveling, and other unrelated factors do not play a role in our decision to accept an entry or not.


1. E-mail the High School Division Coordinator Mark Gardner ( the following information:

  • Athlete’s First and Last Name
  • High School Name, address and phone number
  • City, Country
  • Event(s) athlete would like to enter
  • Athlete’s best mark(s) for each event this season
  • Name of Competition, location and date where the mark(s) was / were achieved

2.  After Receiving approval from our H.S. Division Coordinator, foreign athletes must meet the following six criteria and submit the supporting documents listed below by April 1, 2025 (received in our office).


  1. Athlete(s) must be 18 years of age or less.
  2. Athlete(s) must be currently enrolled in an accredited high school.
  3. Athlete(s) MUST be officially entered into the Relays by that school. The athlete cannot be entered by a parent or club coach.
  4. An official coach from that school MUST accompany the athlete to the Relays.
  5. Athlete(s) must not have completed more than seven semesters of high school.
  6. Athlete(s) must be passing at least four classes.

    *If you wish to enter a relay team, ALL four members of the relay MUST be from the same high school and all four athletes must meet all the criteria listed above along with the supporting documents below.

     Supporting Documents

  1. Verification that the athlete(s) is/are not older than 18 years of age – Passport Information Page Photo/Photocopy
  2. Verification athlete(s) is currently enrolled in an accredited high school – Note on school letterhead and signed by Principal, Head or President
  3. Verification the athlete(s) has not completed more than seven semesters of high school and is currently passing at least four classes – Official School Transcripts with school seal.  
  4. Name and title of the coach who will accompany the athlete to the Mt. SAC Relays.

All paperwork must be mailed to or emailed by April 1, 2025.

Mail documents to:      

Mt. SAC Relays
ATTN: Brian Yokoyama
1100 N. Grand Avenue
Walnut, CA 91789

or email

3.   Register your athlete on to register for the Mt. SAC Relays by the Registration Deadline Date

Without this paperwork, we regret that we will not be able to allow your athlete to compete in the Mt. SAC Relays.


Thank You Partners