Tuesday, April 15
- Main Track – 10:00am – 12:00pm & 4:00pm – 6:00pm
- Practice Track – CLOSED
- Hammer Facility – CLOSED
Wednesday, April 16
- Main Track – 6:30pm – 8:00pm (Steeplechase Water Pit available for use; NO THROWING; NO JUMPING)
- Practice Track – 10:00am – 1:00pm & 5:30pm – 7:00pm
- Hammer Facility – CLOSED
Thursday, April 17
- Main Track – CLOSED
- Practice Track – 9:00am – 11:00am & 5:00pm – 11:00pm
- Hammer Facility – 9:00am – 11:00am
Friday, April 18
- Main Track – CLOSED
- Practice Track – 7:00am – 12:00am
- Hammer Facility – CLOSED
Saturday, April 19
- Main Track – CLOSED
- Practice Track – 8:00am – 10:00pm (12:30pm – 4:30pm LJ / TJ Facility will be closed for competition.)
- Hammer Facility – CLOSED
Don Turnbull, Collegiate / Multi-Event Division Coordinator
Email: trakn@yahoo.com | Cell: (714) 337-5480
The Mt. SAC Collegiate Division is solely for “invited” teams and local teams with athletes who have met qualifying standards.
With the many changing needs of collegiate programs, along with the issues administrating the vast number of ever-changing entries, we have made this necessary operational change.
After reviewing the current situation of the Spring Break Los Angeles Area Track Meets and after much discussion, including with the other area meet directors and collegiate coaches, the collegiate division will now follow the following guidelines below.
1. We have invited approximately 20 programs to compete in the Collegiate Division of the Mt. SAC Relays.
o Invitation is based on past Mt. SAC Relays attendance and current team rankings.
o Invited teams are guaranteed to get the majority of their team into the collegiate meet with the following caveats:
§ The Multi Events – There is only one Elite Division Multi-Event and no Collegiate Division.
§ Maximum of three athletes per field event, unless space is available.
§ Athletes from invited teams will automatically be considered for Elite Division events.
o Benefits of our collegiate invitation only system
§ Teams will be able to remain at one location, rather than traveling to multiple competition sites.
§ Teams can plan travel earlier and hopefully save on flight and hotel costs.
§ The Mt. SAC Relays will be able to focus on fewer teams and provide better service to them.
§ Each invited team will be provided a 10’ X 20’ team tent and additional services.
2. Local colleges / universities (not invited as a team), with individuals whose performances warrant
consideration for the Collegiate Division, will be considered. Please contact Collegiate
Division Coordinator Don Turnbull at trakn@yahoo.com
3. Teams wishing to be considered as an “Invited” team for future Mt. SAC Relays should also contact Collegiate Division Coordinator Don Turnbull at trakn@yahoo.com as soon as possible.
All invited collegiate teams will register on Direct Athletics.
- Collegiate programs, (NOT invited as a team), with athletes that warrant consideration for the Elite Division, must enter through the Elite Division Website.
- Invited collegiate programs ONLY need to register through the Invited Colleges Registration Link for ALL of your entries (Elite Division, 5K, 10K and Steeplechase). YOU DO NOT HAVE TO REGISTER SEPARATELY.
- Registration opens on Friday, March 8 @ 5:00 pm.
- Registration closes on Saturday, April 6 @ 11:59 pm.
- Accepted Entries posted on Wednesday, April 10 @ 5:00 pm. List of all athletes and the events they have been accepted in will be posted at runmtsac.com
- Scratch Deadline on Friday, April 12 at 11:59 pm.
- Final Confirmation Posted on Sunday, April 14 @ 11:00 pm. Final accepted entries along with tentative heat / section information
All running marks submitted must be achieved using a fully automatic timing system (no hand times accepted) and all marks must be verifiable on the TFFRS, DA, World Athletics or USATF performance lists, from 2023 or 2024 seasons. In the distances (ONLY), comparable events may be used for qualification purposes. In the majority of contested events, Direct Athletics will force or list your best mark.
There are no minimum entry standards for collegiate teams invited to the Mt. SAC Relays. We will do our best to accommodate your entire team, but due to time and entry limitations, some events may be limited. Using ’23 or ’24 marks, all entries will be rank ordered and used to fill the number of Collegiate Division entry slots available.
If a Collegiate Division entry warrants an Elite Division placement, that athlete will be automatically considered for Elite Division Events. If you wish to NOT compete your athletes in the Elite Division, please contact Collegiate Division Coordinator, Don Turnbull.
- Individual (per event) = $35
- Relay Team (per event) = $70
Registration fee credit card hold must be completed at the time of entry on Direct Athletics. The actual fee will be charged once the Scratch Deadline had passed (see “Dates and Deadlines” above).
- Running Events:
- 100M, 200M, 400M 800M, 1500M, 5000M, 10,000M, 100 / 110M Hurdles, 400M Hurdles, 3000M Steeplechase, 4x100M, 4x400M
- Field Events:
- Long Jump, Triple Jump, High Jump, Pole Vault, Shot, Discus, Javelin, Hammer
- Multi-Events:
- Decathlon (Elite Division Only), Heptathlon (Elite Division Only)
The Collegiate Division sections of the 64rd Mt. SAC Relays presented by NIKE will be contested on Thursday, April 18th through Friday, April 19, 2023. Full schedule will be posted on a later date here on this site. Schedule will closely mimic 2023 schedule with the exception of Prelims and Finals on certain sprint events.
- Thursday, April 18th
- Distance Carnival (evening) = 10,000M, 3,000M Steeplechase, possible 1,500M if warranted.
- Friday, April 19th
- Collegiate Division Events
- Distance Carnival (evening) = 5,000M, 1,500M
If you must scratch, please click on the link to report any scratches online at: https://www.mtsacathletics.com/specialevents/MtSACRelays/scratchforms/collegiate
Team packets and entrance wristbands will be distributed at the Team Packet Pick-Up Office located east of the stadium box office, at the North end of stadium. Closest parking location is Parking Lot F (North side of Temple Avenue). Use the tunnel that runs beneath Temple Avenue and connects Lot F and the stadium front gate / box office.
- Entrance Procedure: Each team will receive wristbands for their athletes and staff in their team packet. All coaches and / or support personnel accompanying you MUST wear their wristband to enter the stadium through the front gates and other controlled entrances.
- FIELD EVENT ATHLETES will check in with the official at your field event site 30 minutes prior to the start of your event.
- RUNNING EVENT ATHLETES must follow the procedure below:
- An athlete, coach or team manager must check-in at the CHECK-IN TENT (behind scoreboard) and declare themselves / their athletes intention to run 30 to 60 minutes prior to the start of the event. Competitors who check in later than this time frame will be scratched.
- The athlete (no coaches / managers) must report back to the HIPPING AREA (behind scoreboard) 15 minutes prior to the start of the race to receive their heat / lane assignment and their hip number. The athlete should be prepared and ready to run / go to the start line after entering the hipping area.
- The athlete must remain in the hipping area and will shortly be brought to the start line with the other competitors using the gate at the South end of the main track, in front of the scoreboard.
- Athlete heat and lane change WILL occur if there are scratches or a competitor fails to declare.
- Final heat and lane assignments will be given, on meet day, at the hipping area.
- Please be aware that depending on the number of sections, there may be some slight time changes to the schedule. Please check runmtsac.com for FINAL TIME SCHEDULE.
There is no charge for bus parking or for marked college vans. ALL TEAMS WILL ALSO BE PROVIDED TWO ADDITIONAL PARKING PASSES FOR ADDITIONAL VEHICLES. All other vehicles will be charged. Bus parking is ONLY available in Lot F (North side of Temple Avenue). Vans and other types of vehicles, with parking pass, will be able to also park in the Gateway Parking Structure (Southwest corner of Temple Avenue and Bonita), Champions Parking Structure (behind stadium) or in Lot F (next to Hammer Cage, small lot, fills up quickly). Vehicles failing to park in a marked stall will be cited. See: maps.mtsac.edu/maps/index.html
All invited teams, who have signed contracts with the Mt. SAC Relays, will be provided a 10’ X 20’ marked team tent located on the grass field behind the scoreboard and adjacent to the practice track.
EVERYONE must enter the stadium via the Main Gate, located at the Front (North end) of the stadium, or at additional gates when wearing their wristband. See: maps.mtsac.edu/maps/index.html
The Mt. SAC Relays will be contested regardless of weather conditions. There are no refunds due to inclement weather, acts of God, police or fire department closure or any other circumstances beyond our control. The Mt. SAC Relays reserves the right to cancel, postpone or reschedule the event without refund.